Tie Breaking Rules

There are no overtime games except for the playoff finals.


For regular season , points are awarded as follows:

2 - points for a win

1  - point for a tie

0  - points for a loss


Teams will be placed in a listed manner as follows, with the top

teams holding home floor advantage. All playoff games must

end with a winner.

  1. Most total points
  2. Greatest number of wins
  3. Greatest positive difference of goals for and against
  4. Least total goals against
  5. Highest total goals for
  6. Least amount of penalty minutes


If there is still a tie among group winners, the teams will be selected by the GCBHL Executive, or their designates, to be placed in a certain fashion to be determined by the GCBHL Executive, or their designates, for the purpose of the playoff pairings.


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