Good evening ball hockey family.
I've been asked by some of our young officials, and some parents/coaches, asking for clarification about the rule about shin pads. I'm happy to say that in all cases I know about, our noble officials have applied Rules 24 and 25 correctly, and no player had been removed or penalized for legally wearing shin pads.
What are rules 24 & 25? Rule 24 is Protective Equipment and Rule 25 is Dangerous Equipment.
In 2022 Rule 24 there was updated to include shin pads in the list of equipment that does not need to be worn under the uniform. Previously, only soft shell shin pads were permitted to be worn without socks and the specific instruction was that soccer shin pads had to be covered regardless of the style. Rule 25 is still the same and prohibits equipment that are likely to cause injury.
The CBHA directive states 'it is at the referee's discretion to remove shin pads that are deemed dangerous,' which is where Rule 25 comes in.
Bottom line is the shin pads do not need to be covered by socks, but regardless, they cannot pose a hazard to the player or and opponent. If they have rigid edges like ice hockey shin pads, they must be covered. If the soccer shin-pads aren't secured at the top and flop around, they must be secured.
I hope this addresses everyone's concerns.
If you have any questions or would like a clarification about a situation, feel free to send us an email or kindly ask one of our experienced adult referees for a clarification at the rink.
Have a good night (or a good day if you have a normal bed time!)
Tony Hasiuk