Medicine Hat Bruisers Name and Logo Contest

Feb. 12, 2025

GCBHL Bruisers are rebranding!

  • Our current inventory of High Performance team jerseys is near the end of it’s useful life so we are re-branding for this season’s Provincials and Western Challenge Cup.
  • We are looking for a new and exciting identity to represent our association and need your help:
    • Step 1: Pick a name. Instead of being the ‘GCBHL Bruisers’, we want to represent our city proudly by being known as the Medicine Hat ___________.  Like our association name, ‘Gas City’, our new team name should be an unique and represent who we are.
    • Step 2: Create an identity. Once we have a team name, we’ll need a logo and colour scheme. 
  • The process will need YOUR creative side and YOU will decide. For the name, we will need a short description or story of how the team name represents us.
  • We need to have this process completed in short order to finalize designs and order jerseys for early June.
  • For the name and identity, the GCBHL Board of Directors will short list and put them out for a vote.
  • More information be posted on FB, Instagram and X, as well as our website.

Here's how to pick a cool team name:

  1. It Should Be Cool - Like if you play ball hockey, you could be the "Ball Hockey Stars" or "Goal Getters".
  2. Be Different - Don't pick something everyone else has. Like, instead of "Ball Hogz", '"Fury" or "XTreme".
  3. Say It Easy - Make sure you can say it without messing up. "Sharks" is way easier than "Medicine Hat Ball Hockey Wizards from South East Alberta".
  4. It Should Sound Good - Pick something that makes you feel like a winner. Like "Winners" or "Champs".
  5. Be Nice - Don't pick a name that might make someone feel bad or left out.
  6. Cool with Where You Live - Maybe use something from your town or area. Medicine Hat has lots of history and geography unique to Albert... Like the teepee, the history of the railway, Saamis or our amazing weather.
  7. It Should Last - Make sure it's not something that'll be lame in a few years. "The Twitter Avengers" might been cool back then but now it's not relevant?
After the name has been chosen, we'll have another contest to pick a logo and colour scheme.
You don't need to be a player to enter... if the winner isn't a player, they will be able to give their prize to the player of their choice!

Here are the important dates for this contest!

February 23 - Close naming contest and Board will short list a few names
March 9 - Post the short-list and names and open contest for for public to send in logos for the shortlisted names.
March 23 - Close Logo contest and send to artist to develop jersey mock-ups
April 12 & 13 - everyone votes for one of the jerseys during the opening weekend!!


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